Product Design: La Proue

Here we go with pictures of my product design final from last semester! This was probably one of the most time consuming projects I’ve ever made, yet I was so excited working on it every single day for the past 4-5 weeks. From the moment I woke up to the moment I went to sleep, all I would do all day is sit at my desk and fold many, many papers. I folded over 15 different origami containers, got a lot of paper cuts and blisters, and the X-acto knife was my best friend for several weeks. I went online searching for origami books, watched videos and even borrowed a book from my university library. It was one of those rare projects where I gave 110% and genuinely wasn’t concerned with the grade – it was mainly about how far I was capable of going.
Of course, my professor’s motivation was partly due to the effort I put into it, but I learned so much throughout the process and even though I got a very good grade for it in the end, I still believe I could go further with it. Now, I had originally planned on designing a bigger jewelry box, with a mirror and all the works, but throughout the design process it evolved and, I hate to admit, simplified. Just like my professor says, ‘You are not Mother Theresa, stop trying to solve all the world’s problems’. The final product is a premium ring box for elite young women. It takes it name from the prow of the ship and has a rather aesthetic feel to it with all the geometric shapes. Well, without further ado, I’ll let you guys enjoy these pictures!

premium ring box by lubna omar
premium ring box design
aesthetic packaging design
ring box design
packaging design
ring box for elite

designs handmade product design