Sky Blue & Bold Red Hues
First and foremost – I can happily say I’m done with my third semester of college! It feels strange how time passed so quickly, but I definitely loved every minute of it and I can honestly say I don’t want to see these college years come to an end. Well, sad feelings aside, I’ll be sharing one of my finals pretty soon so stay posted! Hint: it’s related to fashion, even though I don’t study fashion design. ;)
College work aside, recently I’ve really been crushing on knee length sky blue coats. With each season we’re introduced to new cuts and colors and this is one of the rare moments where the color is ubiquitous yet could be dubbed a wardrobe staple. The color is bright yet subtle and I can already think of several outfits to style it with. For today’s look though, I decided to experiment and bring in some fierce red hues for contrast.
To really bring the whole outfit together, I implemented black in terms of the boots and bag. Oh, the bag – it’s not just a bag. Believe me when I say it’s going to be a huge hit come spring. To be more clear, it’s a Mansur Gavriel leather backpack. The two girls behind the brand, Floriana Gavriel and Rachel Mansur, are clever in the way they designed the bags and advertised them. The campaign was what really sold me at first, and coincidentally around the same time I saw the campaign photos, I came across an article on Business of Fashion in which they talked about how successful the brand is. The bags come in very limited quantities and are practically sold out everywhere – and I can see why. They’re simple but still feel personal and will pretty much last several seasons. For today’s outfit, I’ve chosen a black leather backpack to style for today’s post, but I can assure you it’ll be gone by the time you read this. Well, I hope you guys like the outfit nevertheless!

Stuart Weitzman knee-high black boots (similar version here)
Asos sky blue coat
Mansur Gavriel black leather backpack (similar here & here)
Versace stainless-steel black face watch
Topshop wool burgundy skirt
Joseph burgundy high neck jumper
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