Berry Busy
Amidst writing school papers and assignments, I find myself contemplating a simpler life. What ever happened to pen and paper? It’s like outings are all about the digital ‘Insta-whatever’ you upload a day (and maybe half an hour) later, what you eat should be photogenic enough (I’m talking a melting chocolate-covered waffle with cherries on top), and if you didn’t take photos of the newest pair of black heels you added to the rest of the new pairs of black heels you own, I’d assume you don’t have a wardrobe.
More than ever I take pride now in actually painting, however trivial the sketch may be, and I am even considering buying a fancy notebook to use as a diurnal journal. As much as I love blogging and even reading other blogs (let me just add that while reading other blogs, if the writing is neither sufficient nor accurate and grammatically correct, I lose interest), I would like to engage in other non-technological exploits. I’d like to read your thoughts on this subject; does this matter to you guys? Or are you just going with whatever the newest device provides?
Anyways, today’s outfit is something classier than what I usually compose. I’m really into pointed heels at the moment and thus formed an entire outfit around these Steve Madden beauties. I also usually go for gold jewelry but this time I opted for silver instead. What do you guys think of it?

Berry trouser: Asos
Blush pumps: Steve Madden
Sheer polka dot blouse: Minkpink
Navy military coat: Choies
Taupe clutch: Raoul (similar here)
Silver watch: Michael Kors
Silver ring pack: Asos
Silver cuffs: Vita Fede (01 & 02)