Blue Gardens
Okay so I might have not conveyed the shorts and tights trend that I intended to try, nevertheless I still created outfits about it. Two things I really like together: denim shorts and sheer tights (and even better, black shorts with sheer black tights. Ohhh yes.). At the moment I’m also really into tribal print garments. I just can’t get enough of them, especially scarves and sweaters. I love how some stores combined both the tribal print trend with the pastels trend a la Mango, Forever21, and New Look, and that happens to be what inspired me to make the clutch I was working on for a friend’s birthday. :) You’ll be seeing it very soon! :D

Desire Clothing floral sweater | NastyGal denim shorts | Old Navy, Top Shop & Asos rings | H&M brown bag | Asos sheer tights