Won’t you take me where street lights glow?
I’ve been heavily contemplating whether I should begin posting real outfit photos, but me being my paranoid self, I think it’ll take time. A very long time. I hate thinking that I’m better off behind the camera than in front of it, but I guess I have to grow some courage before really posting anything. What are your thoughts on this? Anyone interested in real outfit photos instead of sketches? :) Anyways, today’s outfit is something fit for fall, a little girly, and just simple. I’m really into vintage and floral dresses, so this is definitely something I’d be wearing.

Vero Moda brown cardigan | H&M brown boots | Modcloth light blue clutch, floral dress & blue stone necklace | Acessorize, We Like Fashion & New Look rings
I’ve also been working on a little DIY project – a sequined clutch to be more specific, and I’ll definitely show you guys what it looks like when it’s done! I personally can’t wait :D I’d also like to thank the new followers! <3